NGO Sector

Estonia has a vibrant NGO sector with a diverse range of organizations focused on a variety of social, environmental, and cultural issues. The sector has grown significantly since the country regained its independence in 1991, with over 30,000 registered NGOs as of 2021. The majority of these organizations are small, volunteer-based groups, but there are also larger NGOs with professional staff and significant funding.

NGOs in Estonia are involved in a wide range of activities, including advocacy, service provision, community development, and cultural preservation. The sector has played an important role in shaping public policy and promoting civic engagement, particularly in areas such as environmental protection, human rights, and transparency in government.

The Estonian government has been supportive of the NGO sector, providing funding and other forms of support for many organizations. However, there are also challenges facing the sector, such as limited financial resources, bureaucratic barriers, and the need for greater collaboration and networking among organizations. Overall, the Estonian NGO sector is an important part of the country’s civil society and contributes to its democratic development and social progress.

Together we will see and have a look at the success stories of Estonian NGOs and explore the landscape of the Estonian NGO sector.